
“I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t gotten help.”
I didn’t realize that I had post-traumatic stress syndrome from all the abuse I suffered both as a child and an adult. It made me feel trapped and stupid. I was angry all the time and kept everything bottled up until I exploded, because I didn’t have the coping skills to deal with that anger. […]
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Health Brigade (formerly Fan Free Clinic)
Thousands of at-risk Richmond residents have benefited from the services offered by the Fan Free Clinic. VHCF grants have enabled the Fan Free Clinic to hire a nurse practitioner to provide primary care services to those with chronic illnesses and to make it possible for more eligible patients to receive free medications.
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“I’ll never forget the day I met Denise and learned about the FAMIS programs. They gave my son a chance for a normal life.”
My son, Leonardo, has a serious growth deficiency. At the age of 22 months, he is wearing clothes for 6- to 9-month-old babies. With his condition, it is important to start growth hormone therapy as soon as possible for it to have the best chance to work. I would do anything for my son, but […]
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“The day the dental clinic opened was a lifesaver for me.”
I have diverticulitis. Among other things, that means I have to avoid all processed foods and stick to a diet of limited fresh foods. All of them require the ability to chew. My dad was a dentist so I have always been diligent about flossing and brushing. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough. I developed a cyst […]
Read MoreThere is no better investment.
I like investing in organizations that have integrity, that deliver tangible value I can measure, and that have a heart. That’s why I have invested in the Virginia Health Care Foundation time and again. It’s where I get the most bang for my buck!
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Determined to succeed
Putting her children first after her husband died 11 years ago meant finding a way to support them. So Julie went back to school to become a registered medical assistant. After several years, the medical trust her husband left behind ran out of funds. This left Julie without the money needed for medicine to control […]
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Blindsided by a health crisis
James had a solid job and comprehensive health insurance. He lost both in the recession. With his income gone, James eventually had to go without the insulin that helped control his diabetes. He knew about the local free clinic, but thought it was for other people, not professionals like him. Finally, with his vision deteriorating, […]
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Getting medical help to stay on the job
She works two jobs and six days a week — often until after midnight. But Pamela, age 51, has no health insurance. It ended when her marriage did. The medicines required to control her hypertension, vertigo, rapid heartbeat and gastrointestinal issues cost $2,300 a month — far more than what she earns. The stress of […]
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A grateful patient
After 10 years as a waitress, Cheryl is up to $2.40 an hour. On a good day, tips help her earn a living wage. Slow days with few customers make her want to cry. Health insurance isn’t an option. It costs half her income and doesn’t cover her severe migraines and anxiety. Without insurance, she […]
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Giving Hope to Meadowview
Caroline Levine may be a New Hampshire resident now, but her roots are still in Meadowview, a little town in Southwest Virginia. When the citizens of Meadowview received a grant of $700,000 to build a greatly needed and long anticipated health clinic, they were given six months to raise the required $500,000 match. Caroline’s contribution of $250,000 energized many who thought the goal was unattainable.
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