Thanks “MOM”

“I am writing to try and put into words just how truly grateful I am for everything you did for me. It means so much more than just some new teeth and less toothaches (although God knows I am very grateful to get rid of those too, because that was a constant in my life for many years.)”
Those heartfelt words are just a sample of how dental Missions of Mercy (MOM) projects are changing the lives of uninsured Virginians statewide.
Missions of Mercy (MOM) projects have helped thousands of uninsured Virginians receive critically important dental care at ad hoc dental sites statewide. This testimony, sent in a letter to one of the volunteer dentists involved in the project, says it all:
“The removal and replacement of these teeth was truly, truly a dream come true for me. I have always been ashamed of them but could never do better. It is not only about looks but it has given me such a boost, in my own self pride and feelings. I hope with more self esteem I can turn my life into a more satisfying life, but believe me I will be selfless and help others just as you all have helped me. I will pass it on and help others in the ways that I am capable of helping them.
“I felt so backward and ashamed, when I came that first day because I’ve always worked hard for everything and paid for anything I ever got, so I kinda felt like a beggar of some sorts in my mind. But when I got there I was treated so absolutely great, and people were actually happy for me and I could tell it, I was amazed. I cried from joy when I left after my first consultation. Never have I been treated so nicely.
“I know you all will be blessed for the things you do. I will never ever forget any of you, or what you have done for me. You will never know the impact every one of you has had on my life. I feel like a new person.”
The dentist, Dr. Mike Abbott, who participated in the MOM project and received the letter read it aloud to his staff. There was not a dry eye in the room.
A nearly $100,000 VHCF grant to the MOM Project allowed the mobile dental effort to purchase 12 complete dental chair units, 2 air compressors, an x ray unit, dental hand pieces, dental supplies and a 16-foot trailer.