Formal Proposal
For Health Access grants, VHCF reviews Concept Papers twice each year and then asks the organizations whose proposals merit further consideration to submit Formal Proposals. (Please note that only those organizations that have been invited by to submit a full formal proposal should do so.)
Formal Proposals provide VHCF with detailed information on your proposed initiative. If your organization has received an invitation to submit a full proposal, please note the deadline and guidelines below:
Upcoming Formal Proposal Deadlines:
Spring 2025
- January 14, 2025: Concept papers due via email by 5 pm.
- January 28, 2025: VHCF invites submission of full proposals based on concept papers.
- March 4, 2025: Formal proposals due to the VHCF office by 5 pm.
- June 30, 2025: Grant awards announced by the Foundation Board.
Formal Proposal requirements:
Proposals packages need to include:
- A completed Executive-Summary-cover-sheet
- A concise project narrative addressing all of the following:
- The need — document the specific health need using current data from your community.
- The proposed project — include exactly what will be the impact of funding on factors such as staffing levels, patients & patient visits, hours of operation or other indicators. Give a “snapshot” of operation pre- and post-grant funding.
- How the proposed project will address one or more of VHCF’s funding priorities — describe how the initiative will: develop or expand patient capacity, establish a broader scope of services, create a local system of care, or strengthen the infrastructure of health safety net providers.
- Community commitment and collaboration — include your community partner organizations, sources of financial and in-kind support. Cooperative efforts, shared service provision and attempts to better integrate services within a community are all encouraged.
- Project management and leadership — indicate who these individuals are and how they are qualified to manage your proposed project.
- Cost-based and outcome-oriented evaluation criteria — include both administrative process measures, (e.g. increasing the number of patients seen from 2,000 per year to 4,000 per year) and patient-level measures (e.g. 90% of children will be fully immunized by age two).
- A plan for the project to sustain itself — specifics of the fundraising plan identifying exactly where/when you expect to obtain the support to replace the 25% VHCF reduction in Year 2, should your project be approved for a second year, and how you plan to sustain the project long-term. VHCF strongly recommends using this format: Sustainability Plan Template
- Strategic Plan/Vision Statement and Organization Leadership — detail how this proposed project relates to your organization’s strategic plan and vision; also describe the leaders in your organization and the role they will play in planning for the future of the proposed project and of your organization.
- A proposed budget, using VHCF’s Budget Form, the Project Budget Reference Sheet, and a narrative rationale for each budget item.
- The budget should represent all of the revenue and expenses associated with the specific project to be funded.
- If the project will be a part of a larger organization, please provide the latest annual budget for the organization as an attachment.
- Include local public and/or private cash and in-kind contributions equivalent to a minimum match of 25% for funding requested (Please note: The Foundation will most favorably review proposals showing the greatest local support.)
- Note: Foundation funds may not be used to pay indirect costs, administrative assessments or fees of universities or other institutions with which a VHCF project is affiliated.
- Support letters from community partners evidencing the monetary/in-kind resource commitment identified in the proposal and budget. Letters of Support from key collaborators should be included as well.
- Names and affiliations of the project management team and evidence of prior successful grant awards and leadership within the community.
- A list of the applicant organization’s Board of Directors with their business titles or an indication of the special talents they bring to the Board.
- The resume(s) of the individual(s) who will serve as fiscal agent and supervisor of the proposed initiative.
- Evidence of the applicant’s tax-exempt status.
- A copy of the applicant’s most recent strategic plan.
- Organizational budget.
- Copies of most recent audit and financial statements (P&L and Balance Sheet).
Additional attachments, as applicable:
- Job descriptions for new positions
- Organizational chart
- Marketing plan
- Copies of relevant Memoranda of Agreement or contracts
Proposal Formatting
The narrative portion of the proposal should not exceed 10 pages. This 10-page limit does not include the Executive Summary, the budget forms, the budget narrative, letters of support or other attachments. There is no page limit on attachments, but please ensure that attachments are relevant to the project.
Proposals must:
- be typed on standard letter sized paper;
- be double-spaced in 12 point font with 1 inch margins;
- include page numbers on the narrative portion of the proposal;
- Combine the Executive Summary Cover Sheet, Proposal Narrative, and all attachments as a single PDF; and
- Final PDF must be <25 mb (reduce/condense PDF size, if needed)
How to submit your proposal?
Please email your proposal (making sure to include the Executive Summary cover sheet and all attachments) to Kari Parkhurst, Grant Operations & Website Administrator at
Please visit VHCF’s Formal Proposal FAQs
or contact:
Andrea Lancaster, Chief Program & Impact Officer
Phone: (804) 587-0512
Tessa Ashoff, Senior Program Officer
Phone: (804) 587-0511
Please Note:
An invitation to submit a concept paper or a proposal does not guarantee funding for a project. Grant awards are only assured after: the application/review process is complete; the Foundation’s Board of Trustees has made final determinations regarding awards; and a satisfactory letter of agreement has been signed by all appropriate parties.
Last Updated on January 10, 2025