Tool Kit 1 – Medicaid/FAMIS

The SignUpNow Tool Kit 1 – Medicaid/FAMIS is a comprehensive resource manual for both program administrators and for those who work directly with individuals and families who may be eligible for Virginia’s Medicaid/FAMIS programs, including:

  • Medicaid Expansion for Adults
  • FAMIS and FAMIS Plus
  • Medicaid for Pregnant Women, FAMIS MOMS, and FAMIS Prenatal Coverage
  • Low-Income Families with Children (LIFC)
  • Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth
  • Plan First

The Tool Kit contains: handouts, eligibility information for the programs mentioned above; the application and supplementary forms; lists of resources and reference guides; and suggestions for outreach activities.

The latest edition of the SignUpNow Tool Kit 1 – Medicaid/FAMIS is posted below. The sections and other items are all PDF documents and the size of each is given (in KB or MB). The current version number is “25.0”. (Not sure what version you have? – check on the bottom right hand corner of the first page of the main Table of Contents in the Tool Kit, a version number is listed there.) In the future as changes occur and items are updated, you will see (Revised X/XXXX) after the item.

Tool Kit Contents (Revised 9/2024)

SignUpNow Tool Kit 1 – Medicaid/FAMIS Cover (82 KB)

“Front Pocket” items:

Introduction and Table of Contents (330KB)

Section 1: Overview (225KB)

Section 2: Eligibility and Application  (2MB)

Section 3: After Enrollment (3MB)

Section 4: Outreach (621KB)

Section 5: Other Helpful Information (1MB)

Last Updated on February 6, 2025